SFS Msc program

The SFS program in a snapshot
The Master of Science in Sustainable Food Systems brings together different knowledge and disciplines with the aim of training managers of sustainability, professionals capable of managing complex processes of socio-economic-technical transformation aimed at models of ecological transition of the primary production phase, the processing of agricultural products, business models and regulation, and the political-regulatory and market environment in the agri-food sector. Graduates of the course in Sustainable Food Systems will walk away with a holistic, sciences perspective on current concepts in sustainability and circular economy, supported by academic theory and relevant, real-world case studies.

SFS education objectives
The main objectives of the Degree Course are related to the training of graduates capable of designing and managing innovative paths, at the level of individual companies, organizations and at the institutional level, useful for accelerating the transition of the agrifood system towards a model of circular bio-economy. Such professionals should be able to go beyond the concept of the supply chain, coming to read the food-environment through a systems approach to the food system. The professional figure that this degree is able to address, functional for both food companies and public institutions, in a comprehensive and open way, the needs for innovation of products, processes and food systems with a view to economic, environmental and social sustainability. The course also aims to train a professional figure who possesses soft skills related, specifically, to team building, creative problem solving, and facilitation between different professional skills involved in design processes within the food system.

SFS educational pathway
The Master Degree in Sustainable Food Systems provides for the acquisition of in-depth knowledge on the specific technical aspects of the agri-food sector and related sectors both of a general and specialized nature; provides for control activities and practical exercises dedicated to the knowledge of experimental and control methods and data processing; provides for, in relation to the specific objectives of sustainability managers, activities such as internships at companies (company case studies), public institutions, as well as study stays at other Italian and European universities (sustainability boot camp), also within the framework of international agreements, providing for the execution of a research or experimental thesis by performing the processing and discussion of results as well as in the writing of a paper. the coursework, conducted in English, includes teaching in the following subject areas:
  1. Sustainable farming and crop protection
  2. Circular economy and sustainability
  3. Process efficiency, renewable energy and sustainable packaging
  4. Sustainable food consumption
In addition, the training pathway offers the possibility of acquiring CFUs by choice within the scope of teachings in line with the training pathway, such as, by way of example, those attributable to the thematic areas of logistics, development of sustainable thinking, consumption models and sustainable marketing. There will be training credits specifically dedicated to the company case study and sustainability boot camp during the course of the training in order to make the training particularly functional for the development of immediately expendable skills for incorporating sustainability in the agribusiness sector.

Job opportunities
The Sustainable Food Systems graduate will possess the ability to perform autonomous professional tasks and activities that will enable him/her to perform in the field of:
- management and development of innovative products and processes in the food technology sector;
- management, monitoring and optimization of sustainable technological processes in the agri-food supply chain;
- design of business and food environment level plans aimed at implementing models of ecological transition and bio-circular economy;
- consulting on the planning and design of agribusiness waste disposal facilities;
- distribution chain management according to ecological transition models;
- economic-environmental efficiency of production processes in agribusiness;
- planning and design, in enterprises operating in the agribusiness sector, of methods of energy production from renewable sources;
- planning and management of sector policies in line with European strategies related to the Green Deal;
- management and implementation of sustainable process, product and organizational certifications;
- provision of consulting and services for agribusinesses.

Activities will be proposed to encourage orientation with respect to different career paths, to define one's professional goals and to facilitate the search for and entry into the world of work, such as technical visits to companies in the agri-food sector, meetings with representatives of agri-food companies, professional orders and trade associations. Career Days - meetings with human resource referents from companies in different sectors that enables undergraduates and graduates to orient themselves in the world of work - and Recruiting Days - meetings with companies in specific sectors with open job positions that enables interviews with human resource referents - will be held.
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